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  Contact : 02 9131 2111

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Gastrointestinal Health Insights From Sydney’s Best Gut Clinic

Sydney’s best gastroenterologists share valuable insights regarding all types of gastrointestinal health issues.

Gastrointestinal Health Insights From Sydney’s Best Gut Clinic

Sydney’s best gastroenterologists share valuable insights regarding all types of gastrointestinal health issues.

Causes and Treatments for Colic in Adults

Colic-related pain in adults is caused by the contraction of muscles around a partial or complete blockage in certain organs.

Learn more about it here.

Bad Breath From The Back Of The Mouth

Bad breath may be caused by many things; from the build-up of bacteria in the mouth to poor oral hygiene, which is called halitosis.

Learn more about it here.

What Causes Upper Belly Bloating After Eating?

Some common triggers for this condition may include eating certain foods, eating too much, or lying down soon after consuming meals.

Learn more about it here.


Experiencing Severe Diarrhoea Every Day

Diarrhoea is when you have frequent bowel movements and pass watery stools. This condition can be acute or chronic.

Learn more about it here.

What’s Causing Sharp Abdominal Pain?

There are different types of abdominal pain and they vary depending on which part of your abdomen you feel pain in.

Learn more about it here.

What Causes A Burning Sensation In The Throat?

A burning sensation in the throat could happen due to several reasons, like an infection in the oesophagus or postnasal drip.

Learn more about it here.

What Can Cause Trouble Swallowing?

Difficulty in swallowing, refers to the trouble in moving food or liquids from the mouth to the stomach resulting in a temporary inability to swallow.

Learn more about it here.

Gallstones Symptoms And Treatments

Gallstones are hardened cholesterol or calcium deposits that form in the gallbladder and can lead to acute pain in the upper right abdomen.

Learn more about it here.

Causes Of Stomach Cramps After Eating

Continuous cramps and tightness in the stomach can interfere with daily activities and your appetite, thereby requiring the attention of a specialist.

Learn more about it here.

What Are The Risks Of Untreated Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term inflammatory gastrointestinal condition that mainly affects the colon and the rectum, causing inflammation and ulcers.

Learn more about it here.

What Causes Heavy Rectal Bleeding?

While blood on toilet paper after wiping the bottom or the presence of blood in stool isn’t a normal condition, it may not always be a cause for concern.

Learn more about it here.

Vomiting after eating: What you should know?

Throwing up after eating may simply be due to eating too much and becoming very full, but it may also be a sign of a range of gastrointestinal conditions

Learn more about it here.

Loss Of Appetite After Gallbladder Removal

While the procedure is minimally invasive and has a short recovery time, some patients may experience a loss of appetite and weight loss after the procedure.

Learn more about it here.

trouble eating

Feeling Full After Eating A Small Amount

Feeling full after eating a small amount of food is known as early satiety, People who have this condition often experience trouble eating a few bites

Learn more about it here.

gastrointestinal surgery procedure

Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery Procedures

Laparoscopic surgery refers to a minimally-invasive surgical technique that is used to treat a wide range of medical conditions.

Learn more about it here.

Abdominal Pain With Fever And Vomiting

Lower abdominal pain is mild or severe pain that occurs at or below the belly button, mostly near the reproductive organs or bladder.

Learn more about it here.

Diagnosing sharp pain

Dysbiosis Treatment For Gut Bacteria

The gut microbiome refers to an ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms that live in your gut that are essential to your health.

Learn more about it here.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Treatment

SIBO occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the bacteria that colonises the small intestine leading to a number of gastrointestinal issues.

Learn more about it here.

Are You Throwing Up Undigested Food?

Lower abdominal pain is mild or severe pain that occurs at or below the belly button, mostly near the reproductive organs or bladder.

Learn more about it here.

Common causes for burning pain in the abdomen

Common Causes of Burning Pain in the Abdomen

Many people report a very specific burning sensation that is occasionally described as a gnawing ache in the stomach.

Learn more about it here.

Persistent stomach aches and abdominal pain

Persistent Stomach Aches and Abdominal Pain?

Abdominal pain can be felt anywhere between the chest and pelvic region of your body. It may feel localised, yet have several different sensations.

Learn more about it here.

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How to manage post-infectious IBS

Learn more about symptoms, causes, and ways to manage post-infectious IBS.

Learn more about it here.

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Analysing fatty liver disease symptoms in females

Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment methods of fatty liver disease.

Learn more about it here.

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Types of inflammatory bowel disease treatment

Learn more about what treatment you require if you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Learn more about it here.

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Acid reflux: Regurgitation causes and treatment methods

Regurgitation causes and treatment methods should be handled by a professional gastroenterologist

Learn more about it here.

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Acid reflux: Regurgitation causes and treatment methods

Regurgitation causes and treatment methods should be handled by a professional gastroenterologist

Learn more about it here.

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Types of inflammatory bowel disease treatment

Learn more about what treatment you require if you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Learn more about it here.

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Analysing the reasons and treatment measures for anus bleeding after running

Learn about the causes of anus bleeding after running and how to manage them

Learn more about it here.

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Examining the causes and treatment measures of burning diarrhoea

Learn more about what causes burning diarrhoea and how to control it

Learn more about it here.

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Find out about the typical Entamizole uses for stomach pain

Consult a professional gastroenterologist when experiencing stomach pain to explore whether Entamizole is the right treatment for you

Learn more about it here.

An overload of toxins

Bad breath from the gut: How does it occur

Learn about the causes of anus bleeding after running and how to manage them

Learn more about it here.

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Blood in a newborn’s stool: What does it mean?

Find out what blood in the stool of newborn babies could mean and what you should do.

Learn more about it here.

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How to identify pancreatic cancer symptoms

Pancreatic cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages, but as the disease progresses, some common symptoms may appear.

Learn more about it here.

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Suspecting you’re showing a symptom that requires pancreatic cancer treatment?

Get an expert’s opinion to learn about the condition that is truly behind the symptoms you are experiencing.

Learn more about it here.

Haemorrhoid symptoms and treatments

Find out about the common symptoms of haemorrhoids and the different treatments that may be available to you.

Learn more about it here.

What’s a parasite cleanse?

Find out how you can get rid of parasites living in the gut with a parasite cleanse.

Learn more about it here.

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Gastroenterology and hepatology: What’s the difference?

Find out about the differences between these two areas of medical study.

Learn more about it here.

What should be included in your short bowel syndrome diet?

Short bowel syndrome refers to a set of complications that are caused by poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines. Here’s what your diet should look like if you have short bowel syndrome.

Learn more about it here.

What are the symptoms of colorectal polyps?

If you’re 50 years old or older, overweight, a smoker, or if you have a personal or family history of polyps or colon cancer, you are at a higher risk than most individuals of developing colorectal polyps.

Learn more about it here.

Pain In The Left Side Of The Abdomen

What are the causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen?

Pain in the left region of your abdomen could mean many things. Find out about the possible causes of this feeling.

Learn more about it here.

The typical symptoms of parasites in the gut

Intestinal parasites, sometimes called intestinal worms, infect nearly 1.7 billion people around the world.

Learn more about it here.


Everything you should know about parasitic infection cases

In Australia, one of the most common human worm parasitic infections is caused by the dwarf tapeworm, a parasite that affects up to 55% of some remote communities.

Learn more about it here.

burning sensation in the stomach

What does a burning sensation in the stomach after eating indicate?

Here we understand what a burning sensation in the stomach indicates, the other symptoms, what it may mean to your health, and when to consult a doctor.

Learn more about it here.

burning pain in the lower abdomen

What to do when experiencing a burning pain in the lower abdomen

Understand what a burning sensation in the stomach indicates, what to do when experiencing a burning pain in the lower abdomen, and when to consult a specialist.

Learn more about it here.

parasite cleanse Australia

What you should know about getting a parasite cleanse in Australia

24% or 1.5 billion of the world’s population may have parasites living in their intestines.

Learn more about it here.

Everything you need to know about parasitic worms

Discover everything there is to know about parasitic infection worms, their types, methods for diagnosis, and treatments.

Learn more about it here.

Your ultimate guide to parasite giardia and treatments

Here’s everything you need to know about parasitic giardia, its symptoms, causes, treatments, and when to consult your specialist.

Learn more about it here.

What does white mucus in stool indicate and is it normal?

will explore the potential causes of visible mucus in stool and explain why it’s important to seek professional medical

Learn more about it here.

What does a burning sensation in the throat indicate?

Learn about why throat burning after eating occurs and how to get over the burning sensation.

Learn more about it here.

Is mucus and blood in stool a concern?

Here we discuss what mucus and blood in bowel movement can indicate, along with the causes, treatments, and when to consult a doctor.

Learn more about it here.

Everything to know about chronic gastrointestinal diseases

On this page, we’ll delve into some of the most common chronic gastrointestinal conditions, shedding light on their characteristics and offering insights into their treatment.

Everything to know about stomach pain and nausea

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on nausea and stomach pain. On this page, we’ll delve into the various causes, symptoms, and remedies for these common digestive issues.

Learn more about it here.

What are the symptoms of gastroenteritis that you need to look out for?

Gastroenteritis is the stomach flu or gastric flu, a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide each year. While gastroenteritis is usually not serious and resolves on its own within a few days.

Learn more about it here.

What are the gastrointestinal causes of burning in the back of the throat?

This page discusses the gastrointestinal causes of burning in the back of the throat, the risks, the process of diagnosis, and the need for a consultation.

Learn more about it here.

Should you be concerned about yellow mucus in bowel movements?

Learn more about what yellow mucus in stool can mean for your gut health, and what you can do about it.

Learn more about it here.

diet affect your digestive health

How does diet affect your digestive health?

On this page, we will discuss the link between diarrhoea and stomach pain, elucidating how your dietary choices directly impact digestive health.

Learn more about it here.

Schedule an appointment and speak with a gastrointestinal specialist

The Sydney Gut Clinic has trained and experienced specialists who specialise in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions.

If you are experiencing any gastro-related discomfort consult one of our specialists today.

Sydney Gut Clinic services are only available to patients in Australia.

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