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All Posts Tagged: Cancer

gastric cancer

Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer, also known as stomach cancer, is a type of cancer characterised by the growth of cancer cells in the lining of your stomach; a J-shaped organ in the digestive system, located in the upper abdomen, where digestion commences before food passes to the intestines. When the food you consume reaches your stomach, the […]

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Colorectal cancer: Causes and treatment

Colorectal Cancer : Causes and Treatment

Colorectal cancer is the type of cancer that affects the human colon or large intestine. Extending from the end of the small bowel to the rectum, this muscular, tube-shaped organ digests and absorbs nutrients from food, concentrates faecal matter by absorbing fluid, and stores and controls the evacuation of faeces. Cancer in this region of […]

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3 Ways That Help Prevent Bowel Cancer

3 Ways That Help Prevent Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer is a serious gastroenterological condition that affects thousands of Australians every year. According to government data, more than 17,000 men and women were diagnosed with this condition in 2018 alone. The condition has a serious effect on daily life and its diagnosis requires many lifestyle changes. As such,  many Australians are actively interested […]

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