Introductory text on Telehealth Consultation services – how it works and how it can help. (ideally 1-2 lines long or 260-290 characters long if possible please)
What do I need access my Telehealth Consultation
In this section you discuss about the necessary equipment needed to host a consultation. This would involve the devices needed, software or platform on which the consultation is commenced and if necessary, broadband connection speed and bandwidth. (Ideally 2-3 lines long or 250-280 characters long)
How it works/what the process is?
This section would involve the times in which SGC doctors are available and explain if a referral is explained or not for this consultation.
How to request appointment for telehealth consultation, they will sign up below and an email will be sent to them on confirmation of available times and days of which one they’d choose to accept – please text that anchors to the form below. (ideally 6-7 lines if possible)
How to attend the consultation?
An intial email will be sent to you with the available time slots and days out of which you are at the liberty of picking any day and time available. Upon your confirmation an email will be sent to you with the link to connect with your physician. (Ideally 2-4 lines long if possible)